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Campus Drives

"Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life,
because you become what you believe!"
- Oprah Winfrey


Campus recruitment plays a critical role in student’s life. Nowadays, the significance of campus placement has gradually become an integral part of an institute’s offerings. Campus recruitment not only benefits students but the recruitment companies as well. It is one of the suitable techniques to select the best-qualified candidate for the organization.

We are a professional & prominent campus drive management company offering out of the box Campus recruitment solutions to colleges & universities. Chanakyans provides campus placement services for both the companies & the colleges who want to organize campus placement drives for hiring the candidates. With a vision to explore and harness the talents of young leaders, we have been serving our institutional associates.

Chanakyans successfully facilitated the students community in finding the most sought-after career opportunities & simultaneously empowered its clients in discovering the best talent, thereby matching the right people with the right job which makes us ideal company to hire for institutes. We are one of the exclusive organization to conduct campus drives for various Educational Graduates / Master Graduates.

We are the innovators of organised Campus Management Services in India which has headquartered in Bangalore. Since 2011, we have acted as preferred recruitment partners to multinationals and leading Indian businesses to emerge as the leading recruitment brand nationally. This combined with our role as trusted organization for all professionals translates into our core capability. We are an executive search firm renowned for superior client services, with a firm belief that human capital is the prime source of competitive advantage. We stand as a national & International supplier with a wholly owned company structure. This organizational structure facilitates centralized decision-making and ensures consistent implementation and improvement of all corporate directives and customer-specific service delivery. It also enables us to provide our vendors with the most responsive and focused service possible.

 We have a very eminent client base. Our endeavour is to recruit high calibre professionals across all functional areas thereby maintaining a very strong and premium data bank of trained candidates by Chanakyans. Our rigorous screening procedure ensures quality output within specific time frames. In fact our clients can rely on us to handle even the most critical requirements in the shortest possible time, which is of paramount importance in these evolving times. Essentially, our aim is to delight our clients with our efficient services as well as putting them at ease with their recruiting hassles. When our partners succeed, we succeed, and we believe strong partnerships are critical to make this happen. We develop a keen understanding of your business, your specific goals and your talent-related needs. We design customized solutions and deliver the talent you need to win.

Our team is proficient at delivering quick and quality solutions. With a blend of experts with proven track record our web designers, network engineers, software developers, graphic designers, software testers and search engine optimists makes it possible to offer our clients affordable – web solutions that are both innovative and highly influential.

Our competence is in balancing the right match between our client’s needs and our candidate’s talents, career goals and dreams. Our primary focus is on the confidential recruitment and placement of professionals, a style of search, used with clients where there is a mutual level of trust and comfort existing between the agencies and hiring authority. Identifying the personnel for employment, as it is the quality of professionals hired by the company, which ensures the winning edge over others in today’s highly competitive business world.

We know the concept of consulting domain for various levels of HR approaches. The medulla of the business is a collaborative approach for the next level generative initiatives as a staffing consultant for inbuilt national and global network paradigm. The application tool comprises the Core HR Practices branching with the Campus Hiring,  Training zone, Solutions provider and Services benefits. The prospect of the company is to provide end to end Campus placement solutions first and then root with the solutions enrolled with the catered project work assignments for the client. The strategic resource management practices combining with the HR analytic is our core power tool for the process functions.



Economic globalization has perpetuated the growth of industries which has progressively ascended over the years and haven’t been much affected by market fluctuations. The procurement team at Global Technologies is driven by the passion to generate qualitative services to our clients and formidable growth for our candidates. It functions on a vast platform across large arrays of domains to find the right talent for our clients which enables stability, efficiency, experience and goodwill.

Want to conduct campus drive at your college? Let’s Talk!

    Campus Recruitment Training

    Updated: September 23, 2022
    Intermediate 100 hours

    Aptitude Test Training:

    Qauntitative Aptitude
    Logical Reasoning Ability
    Verbal Ability

    Soft Skills Training:

    Resume Building
    Group Discussions
    Personal Interview Preparation
    Mock Interviews